Personal data is any information related to an individual (subject of personal data) identified or determined on the basis of such information. I.e., such information, in particular, can include any information provided by the user: last name, first name, patronymic, phone number, e-mail, as well as other information.
Personal data processing is any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data. In this case, the transfer is carried out in accordance with the legal regulations of the authorized bodies or in accordance with the terms of the agreement, upon signing which the User gives his consent to such processing.
Confidentiality of personal data is a mandatory requirement for those authorized to process users' personal data to properly comply with the rules for their processing, storage, not to allow their dissemination without the consent of the subject or other legal basis, as well as ensuring
Use of personal data - actions (operations) with personal data aimed at identifying the User in order to provide access to the service and obtain confirmation of the accuracy of the information specified by the User.
Information - information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation.
Publicly available personal data is personal data that an unlimited number of people have access to with the consent of the subject or which, in accordance with federal laws, is not subject to the requirement of confidentiality.
The operator is a Company that processes users' personal data in order to provide the latter with authorized access to all services, as well as determining the purposes of personal data processing, the composition of personal data, actions (operations) performed with personal data, the procedure for storing and destroying users' personal data.
The user is a visitor to the service.
Dissemination of personal data – any actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to an indefinite circle of persons (transfer of personal data) or familiarization with personal data of an unlimited number of persons, including the publication of personal data in the media, posting on information and telecommunications networks or providing access to personal data in any other way.
Destruction of personal data – any actions as a result of which personal data is permanently destroyed with the inability to further restore the content of personal data in the personal data information system and (or) the material carriers of personal data are destroyed.
2.1. The Operator has the right to:
2.1.1. To receive reliable information and/or documents containing personal data from the subject of personal data;
2.1.2. If the personal data subject withdraws consent to the processing of personal data, the Operator has the right to continue processing personal data without the consent of the personal data subject if there are grounds specified in the Law on Personal Data;
2.1.3. Independently determine the composition and list of measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of obligations provided for by the Law on Personal Data and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, unless otherwise provided by the Law on Personal Data or other federal laws.
2.2. The Operator is obliged to:
2.2.1. Organize the processing of personal data in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
2.2.2. Respond to requests and requests from personal data subjects and their legal representatives in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Personal Data;
2.2.3. To stop the transfer (distribution, provision, access) of personal data, to stop processing and destroy personal data in the manner and in the cases provided for by the Law on Personal Data;
2.3. Personal data subjects have the right to:
2.3.1. To receive information concerning the processing of personal data of the subject, except in cases provided for by federal laws.
2.3.2. To require the operator to clarify his personal data, block or destroy them if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as to take measures provided for by law to protect their rights;
2.4. The subjects of personal data are obliged to:
2.4.1. Provide the Operator with reliable information about yourself;
2.4.2. Inform the Operator about the clarification (updating, modification) of their personal data.
3.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on a lawful and fair basis.
3.2. The processing of personal data is limited to the achievement of specific, predetermined and legitimate goals. Processing of personal data incompatible with the purposes of personal data collection is not allowed.
3.3. It is not allowed to combine databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes incompatible with each other.
3.4. Only personal data that meet the purposes of their processing are subject to processing.
3.5. The content and volume of the processed personal data correspond to the stated purposes of processing. Redundancy of the processed personal data in relation to the stated purposes of their processing is not allowed.
3.6. When processing personal data, the accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency, and, if necessary, relevance in relation to the purposes of personal data processing are ensured. The Operator takes the necessary measures and/or ensures that they are taken to delete or clarify incomplete or inaccurate data.
3.7. Personal data is stored in a form that allows you to identify the subject of personal data, no longer than the purposes of personal data processing require, unless the period of personal data storage is established by federal law, an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or guarantor. The processed personal data is destroyed or depersonalized upon achievement of the processing goals or in case of loss of the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
4.1. Purpose of processing the User's personal data:
4.1.1. Informing the User;
4.1.2. Providing access to the service to the User;
4.2. The Operator has the right to send notifications to the User about new products and services, special offers and various events. The User can always refuse to receive informational messages by sending an email to the Operator.
5.1. The Operator and other persons who have gained access to personal data are obliged not to disclose or distribute personal data to third parties without the consent of the personal data subject, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
6.1. The User can receive any clarifications on issues of interest related to the processing of his personal data by contacting the Operator via e-mail.
6.2. This document will reflect any changes to the Operator's personal data processing policy. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version.

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